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Adding, editing and removing resources

How to add downloadable resources and tag them so that they appear in the correct places.

staff training
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Go to the Committee Hub resources

Firstly, you'll need to head over to the Organisations Admin area, where you can select the Committee Hub organisation from the list. Select the Resources option and you'll be taken through to a list of current resources.

If the link above doesn't work, you can access the Organisation Admin by:

  1. Navigating to the main union site
  2. Selecting the cog icon
  3. Selecting Organisations Admin

Add a new resource

Adding a new resource is as simple as completing the form using a unique title.


Nice and easy - this is the name of your resource. Make it nice and clear, and add dates where relevant. For example, 'Room Booking Form 2020-21' or 'Refund Request Form 2021-22'.


Here you'll want to add any extra information about your resource. The character limit is quite high at 750 characters, but you can't put in formatting or paragraphs so don't go overboard. Short, sweet, simple and clear, that's all you need.


The list of available tags align with the sections on your committee hub. Simply click the ones you want and you're good to go.


There's a maximum file size here of 3mb, but this should be more than enough for simple forms. If your file exceeds that limit, consider the format it's in. Are there images in there that don't need to be? If there are necessary images, have they been optimised to reduce their size?


Leave this as 'everyone can see this resource'.

Edit a resource

To edit a resource, scroll down to the bottom of the resources page to the section titled 'Existing resources'. Here you'll find a table that lists all your resources. On the right hand side of each row, you'll have an edit button - hit this, and the page will reload with that resource's information. Edit the details as needed and then select 'Update resource'.

Remove a resource

Scroll down to the existing resources section and find the resource you want to remove. On the right hand side is a red delete button. Hit this and then confirm the deletion when prompted.