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Reward & Recognition

Want to know what you can win for yourself and your student group by simply attending training and development sessions? Click here to find out more.

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A three-tier structure reward and recognition program will coexist alongside the training and development program. You can gain an individual bronze, silver or gold accreditation depending on how many sessions you attend. At each level you reach, different rewards and recognition become available.  

When you individually attend 2 sessions you get bronze, when you attend 4 training and development sessions, you get silver, and if you attend 6 training and development sessions, you get Gold. 


  • For reaching bronze the reward will be a £5 SU café voucher 

  • For reaching silver the reward will be a £15 Freddie's Voucher

  • For reaching gold the reward will be a £20 online gift voucher of your choice 

All names of students who reach gold accreditation, will be put into a prize draw to win a £50 Westfield voucher. 

Reward and Recognition Presentation