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Risk assessments

You should have an understanding of the requirements needed to ensure that any activity you deliver is done so safely.

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We use risk assessments to determine the risks associated in any, and all of our activities. We need risk assessments for all meetings, trainings, events etc to showcase that we have thought about, planned for and mitigated any risks. 


The first page of the risk assessment tells us all about your event. 

In this section you’ll need to tell us all about the event, when and where the event is, Who is this Risk assessment going too and which committee member is the lead organizer. ?


On the First page of the risk assessment it also highlights the Calculation of risks table. It shows the probability, severity, calculation of risks and action points that all need to be used to help you to complete the risk assessment. 


We have then broken down the RA into various sections that are focused on different sections that you’ll need to think about certain risks. 

Complete the Risk assessment form