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Guidance for UWL Staff

Before making a referral, it's important to understand how UWLSU Advice can help and your responsibilities as a staff member.

A student staff talking to a student


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Referring a student

  1. When referring a student to ULWSU Advice, first identify how the Students' Union can help the student, keeping in mind that we focus on academic advice in the following areas:

    • Mitigation
    • Appeals
    • Complaints
    • Disciplinary interviews
    • Fitness to practice hearings

    You can refer to the online guides for each of the above on our website. Remember, if you are an academic, you are likely to be best placed to deliver an outcome for a student seeking an extension, and should not need to refer them to our service unless their case is more complicated.

  2. It is sometimes desirable to discuss the possibility of referral with UWLSU Advice before the problem becomes urgent.

  3. Ensure the student understands the reason for the referral. The student must understand why you are passing their case to UWLSU Advice.

  4. Explore the students’ readiness for referral. Have they expressed interest in specialist help? Are they afraid of seeing another helper? Do we frighten students with the implication of the severity of their problem? Remember to explain the confidentiality policy to the student.

  5. Provide the student with detailed information about the Students’ Union and what our role is. The student should be comfortable with what to expect from the service. Be fair in the explaining of the advice service by citing the possibilities and the limitations of our service. The advice service operates on a self-help basis and the student needs to be proactive.

  6. Email UWLSU Advice for a referral at

  7. Where the student has given their written consent for you to do so refer the relevant details of the case to - this email account is only staffed by UWLSU Advice staff.