UWLSU are here to make sure you have a transformational experience at university that equips you with the skills, network and confidence to build your future. We want you to have the best time possible, with loads opportunities to get involved.

What is an SU?
First thing’s first, what is a Students’ Union? We are here to be your voice within UWL. We want to give you the best, most exciting and fun experience. We are here to make a difference for you. As soon as you enrol onto UWL, you automatically become a member of the SU, for free!
On top of all the fun activities and opportunities to get involved with (which there are loads of!), we work to take students’ views to where they count. We want university to be an amazing place for you, where you feel included and excited to be involved.
Explore our site to learn about getting your views heard, our events, joining student groups and everything we do!
How we help you
We work to give you opportunities. Opportunities to build a community, have your opinions heard and enact change. This can be through events, debates, sports, societies, and anything else you can think of!
You can get your voice heard during your studies through our Course Reps, School Reps, university and us! If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone from our team or your student representatives.
Get involved
Throw yourself into student life and find your own community by getting involved. Grow your social life by coming along to events. Get fit by joining a sports team and joining our gym. Meet people just like you through societies. The possibilities are endless!
We also hire UWL students to work for us in a variety of roles, as well as volunteer Course Reps that make real change happen on your course.
Who Runs the SU?
Your Union is led by three Elected Sabbatical Officers voted for by you, the students, so keep your eye out for elections and get involved by either running for an Officer position or voting for your favourite candidates. You can learn more about your current Sabbs on the 'Your Officers' page.
We have a team of dedicated fulltime staff who work hard to make your experience fantastic! You can have a look at everyone who works at UWLSU and 'Meet the Team'
here. We also have the most amazing team of student staff working in a number of roles; gym instructors, front desk, events crew, school reps and commercial crew (Coffee Union and Freddie's).
You can make a difference to how UWLSU is run by voting in at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) that takes place in the first semester each year.