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Course Reps

Create positive change on your course by becoming a rep + find your rep to give feedback!

Course reps stood outside smiling

What is a Course Rep?

A Course Representative is a student who has been elected to represent the students on their course at their year level. Course Reps gather the views and opinions of their peers and communicate that feedback to lecturers and the University of West London staff. They are trained and supported by the Students' Union.

Why do we need Course Reps?

Students understand what students need better than anyone else!

Couse Reps are the primary link between staff and students and this programme gives students ownership over their education. We don’t want our institution to only work for a certain type of student – we want this university to be accessible to everyone and Course Reps are a great way we can make this happen.

Who is my Course Rep?

You can find out who your elected course rep is using our Course Rep finder below!

Why should I be a Course Rep?

Gain skills

  • Our training courses will help you gain skills in public speaking, communication, time management, organisation, and much more!
  • Receive credits towards a Higher Education Achievement Award, which will be printed on your academic degree transcript.
  • Try running an event or a campaign. Come and talk to us at the SU, we will support you and might even be able to fund it for you! 

Make a difference

  • Attend Course Committees and engage with staff to present the feedback from your coursemates.
  • Run academic campaigns, for example, campaigning to ensure that all students have access to one-on-one time with a personal tutor. 

Make friends

  • Communicate with a diverse range of students on your course as a course representative. 
  • Opt in to your School’s Course Rep Monthly Meeting - a space where you can troubleshoot, plan and hang out with other course reps!

What’s involved?

Training and Support

Our training programme includes an initial session on being a Course Rep, communication skills, time management, and organisation. We also run a conference where you can develop your skills more! We gather feedback from Course Reps all year and provide them with any extra training they need. As a Course Rep, you’ll also be supported by your School Rep who is a Students' Union Staff member. They’ll be available in a weekly drop-in service at the SU and hold monthly meetings for all the Course Reps in your School within UWL.

Course Committees

Course Reps represent students at Course Committees in which they work together with members of staff to solve academic issues. These committee meetings allow your Course Rep to express their views and those of the students they represent in a professional setting. University staff document and evaluate the points that have been discussed. Their aim is to find solutions to any issues students may face – this can range from academic content to getting more books in the library or reducing hidden course costs.

How do I become a Course Rep?

A member of our Representation Team will run an election during your lecture in the first few weeks of teaching. If you want to nominate yourself for your course – simply stand up in your lecture and tell your classmates why you’d be a great representative for them. Your class will then vote for the candidate of their choice!

Course Rep Ideas

Got an idea you want to suggest? Why not suggest it below!

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