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Organisation Details

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About us

We are the Univeristy of West London's Women's Football Team. We are completely international, studying across various UWL Colleges and Metfilm School, and ranging in ages. With an array of personalities and levels, practices go from intense and tiring to absolutely random and hilarious. All levels are welcome, but even beginners rapidlly pick up the sport as the season develops. Other than pretending he can speak every language and laughing at his own jokes, our coach Craig is eager to share all of his football knowledge with us and push us as much as possible. Training would be nowhere as much fun without him. If you're looking to get a break from studies, see some new faces or you just really like Football (cause same), then don't hesitate to join us! 


Every Monday: 6-7:30 PM, starting October 2023
@Gunnersbury Park Sports Hub, 3G Pitch 1
Popes Ln, London W3 8LQ, United Kingdom


Starting in the 2023/24 Season, the UWLWFC will compete in the London University Sports League (LUSL). We are very excited to be a part of it this year as this means we can compete regularly against a variety of different universities in our area. More information will be provided concerning fixtures and team lists, the sooner new players get in touch, the easier it will be for us to plan ahead!

Alongside the league games, we will try to arrange friendly games in our own time against local universities. For any of this to be possible, we need the motivation and commitment of all new members. We can barely wait to be back on the field competing again!


The memberships are what allow us to facilitate practice, coaching, matches and (the best part) socials for the team. The more financial support sports teams receive, the more they can finance throughout the year. Before deciding if you want to commit to the team you will of course have the option to join a trial practice. We want to show full transparency about financing, and hope you are as eager as we are to fundraise as much as we can for the upcoming school year.

£75 for full academic year 

Contact Us

Our instagram page contains all information about upcoming events, sign ups and is also the medium through which you can contact us. Any questions and inquiries can be sent via DM @uwlwomensfootball. We will get back to you as soon as possible, and we can't wait to hear from you!