Course Reps

Are you interested in becoming a Course Rep?

A Course Representative is a student who has been elected to represent the students on their course at their year level. Course Reps gather the views and opinions of their peers and communicate that feedback to lecturers and the University of West London staff, whether that be directly to staff or in Course Committees. As a Course Rep you will be the the primary link between staff and students and this programme gives students ownership over their education. We don’t want our institution to only work for a certain type of student – we want this university to be accessible to everyone and Course Reps are a great way we can make this happen.
By becoming a Course Rep you could help make a difference whilst also making new friends and gaining new skills. We will give you the training you need to get going and really make an impact!

If you are interested in becoming a Course Rep then be on the lookout for a member of our Representation Team who will run an election in your course lecture in Week 2 after giving a Course Rep presentation in Week 1. If you want to nominate yourself for your course – simply stand up in your lecture in Week 2 and tell your classmates why you’d be a great representative for them. Your course will then vote for the candidate of their choice!

We look forward to hearing from you and working alongside you to make the university experience great for everyone!