
We want to create an organised community in which students can develop, build connection and strategically engage in sustainable actions. UWL and UWLSU are rapidly incorporating sustainability in their practice, as a student body, we can have a huge impact even with small changes. We are planning to deliver different events and campaign across the year including but not limited to:

  • Meat free Monday.
  • Christmas gift waste awareness week or workshop.
  • Course representative and sustainability workshop with SOS-UK.
  • Plastic free April.
  • Pack for Good with the British Heart Foundation.
  • Building a green society.

We are in a climate crisis with biodiversity declining very rapidly - 60% in the last 50 years. The Earth is being exploited to guarantee a high standard of living for the ever-growing population of humans. Animals are going extinct, oceans are full of plastic, which as a result is contaminating our food, global temperatures are rising and if we do not act fast, we will not be able to make up for it. Our generation has a huge responsibility, we need to rise to the challenge- together we can be powerful and the necessary part of the solution.

If you would like more information, want to contribute in any way or join the sustainability network get in touch with our VP of Education Alessio ( Alternatively, you can also contact him on social media (Instagram, Facebook or Twitter).