UWL Welfare Team

The Welfare Team offers a confidential, safe and welcoming service to any student who is in crisis and feels they can’t cope. You may be feeling low, anxious, home-sick or just struggling, no matter what the problem is, the Welfare Team will listen without judging and help you manage. The Welfare Team can help you cope and if you wish, guide you to our specialist Student Service Teams or external organisations for additional support.

To find out more about us you can follow our page on the UWL website.

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Not all our work is around crisis support as we encourage students to engage in some of our preventative initiatives such as:

A C-Card Scheme for students under 25 years old once registered can receive free condoms and lube on a weekly basis and if necessary be signposted to relevant sexual health services for further support.

We operate our C-Card scheme weekly on a Friday from 12pm to 1:30pm at both SMR (ST.GF.017) and Paragon House (2nd floor) campuses.

You can book a C-Card via Student Welfare on our Student Hub platform.

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Starting from September 2021 onwards we are starting up a Men's/Male Mental Health Project for students who identify as male to be part of a peer-to-peer support initiative.

This is still in the early stages and we are simply registering interest for prospective male students to join in and shape how this project will operate.

If this is of interest to you or anyone else please feel enquire with us via emailing us at studentwelfare@uwl.ac.uk.